Applying as Social

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Applying as Social

Post by Liria »

Social applications are currently closed.

Requirements for application:
If you wish to become a Social member of <Easy> you need to be at least 18 years old and willing to strictly follow our code of conduct.
Failure to do so will result in immediate removal from the guild.

How do I apply?
If you wish to apply, please complete the following form and post it in a new thread in our Applications forum with the tag SOCIAL in the subject.

Note: you do not need to register a forum account to post your application.
  1. What is your: a) Name b) Age c) Location
  2. Who do you know in Easy? How did you meet them?
  3. What is your toon's: a) Name b) Race c) Class d) Spec e) Preferred Role (Tank/Healer/DPS)
  4. Do you have any other characters (alts)? If so, tell us something about them please.
  5. How long have you played wow? How long have you played this character?
  6. Why do you want to apply to Easy?
  7. Have you been in other guilds? Why are you no longer in these guilds?
  8. Have you raided before? Do you plan on raiding in the future? If yes, please give details.
What if I decide to become a raiding member?
If at any point you decide to become a full-time raider you will have to post a second application and undergo a normal 2 week trial as every other applicant.

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