Trash Fireland's raid

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Trash Fireland's raid

Post by Mahmoud »

Found this while cruising through wow insider ... I hope it's all the info we r gonna need about the trash in the firland raid .. mayb I'm kinda late since prob some of us already seen them in a trash run or so ..

Molten Lord This molten giant will apply a debuff stack to your tank that deals significant damage over time, so have a second tank taunt off at around four to five stacks and trade the Molten Lord back and forth when stacks drop. Ranged will have to watch out for his magma jets, and melee have to move for his stomp.

Ancient Core Hound These dogs will be familiar to those who had the pleasure of running Molten Core back in the day. Core Hounds have a fear, a nasty flame breath, and an ability called Dinner Time that will devour your tank and spit him out. Pour on lots of healing, and try to mitigate the fear with Tremor Totems, Fear Ward, or other fear-breaking abilities.

Molten Surger Surgers charge random players and do AOE damage. Spread out to avoid taking too much damage to your whole raid.


Hell Hounds These guys are tricky. Suppress the urge to AOE them down; instead, have your tanks pick up a few each and focus-fire them down. They hit harder over time as a group, so getting them down one at a time turns out to be more effective then letting them live as a group longer.

Flamewalker packs The Flamewalker packs are comprised of Flamewaker Cauterizers (healers) that need to be shut down before the other creatures. Interrupt and stun them. You can even CC one of them before the pull. The rest of the mobs, the Forward Guard and the other guy, are easy to tank in a group with AOE tanking abilities, and your healers shouldn't have too much trouble keeping your tanks up. They look more intimidating than they are.

Unbound Pyrelords and Unbound Smoldering Elementals Arguably the trickiest trash pack, these elementals have a unique gimmick. The baby unbound smolderings will take 90% less damage unless ignited by the big guy. The Pyrelord will Ignite one of his minions at 80%/60%/40% health. You'll want to stop using stuns on the Pyrelord because any missed ignites will force you to take a long time to DPS down the babies. Bring the big guy down to 80% health, then kill his Ignite target. Repeat for 60% and 40% health. Also, the ignited elementals AOE massive fire damage, so kill them quick.

Turtle packs Ignore unless your PUG wants to bounce around like crazy people and fly off of the Firelands. For the love of all that is holy, run. If you must kill the turtles, have everyone stand on the edge, aggro the baby and pray your group has a sense of humor. The patriarch turtle has a spell reflect shield that shoots back spells at the caster. The matriarch and hatchlings have a shell spin and knockback that is very annoying. Use lots of stuns and you'll be fine against this shelled menace.

Giant Fire Scorpion and his friends Tank and spank the scorpions but watch out -- the little guys explode when you kill them. Get out of range, and kill them one-by-one.

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Re: Trash Fireland's raid

Post by Vrugdush »

Oooh this is golden. Nowadays there's so much info about bosses, but very little about trash. With the amount of it in Firelands, this will surely help speed us up.
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