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Re: [FIRELANDS] Baleroc

Post by Starwind »

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Re: [FIRELANDS] Baleroc

Post by Fluttermouse »

Seems we had 5 ranged on the shards last night, whereas working in pairs would be much more logical, as each shard disappears while/after the second person each time.

A potential thought on stacking for the ranged shard which might help with the healing (needs feedback from healing classes). According to the info, the active range on a shard is 15 yards, so essentially the two people taking the shard need to move into this range as it spawns and everyone else out. I'm guessing it probably doesn't matter too much even which one of the 2 gets the debuff first, given that the initial damage is quite small until the stacks build, so there should be plenty of time to work out which of the 2 is taking the damage

If we have 6 ranged taking the shard as per video (seems it might actually be possible to do it with 4 but you probably need to be precise on timing the swaps), then the remaining 4 would stack approx 20yrds to the left of the shard, presumably along with their healer(s?). When the new shard spawns, that group shuffles over to 20yrds to the left of the new shard. Obviously whoever is leaving the shard because of the debuff, rejoins that left stacking group. This leaves the area to the right of the shard free for everyone else to play with.

Because of the random spawn nature of the shard, it might occasionally be needed to go the other way (i.e. shard takers to right and rest of raid to left) but I suspect this could either be called out, or those with common sense should spot it - there's not a huge amount of effects to get in the way, so from a ranged POV you should be spotting the shards easily unless your mind is too filled with pewpew.
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Re: [FIRELANDS] Baleroc

Post by Mahmoud »

An easy way to handle the shards is simply to have a player, with raid frames properly configured to show the Tormented debuff on raid members, tell who is next to soak a given shard.
You should aim to reach 9 stacks of Torment before moving away from a Shard. If low on health, you should move away sooner. Similarly, you can remain under the effects of Torment for longer (up to 12 stacks) if you have a lot of health or can use a damage reducing cooldown like Anti-Magic Shell or Barkskin. The more stacks of Torment that you have, the more stacks of Vital Sparks the healers will gain from healing you.

In any case, the amount of stacks you have when you move away from a Shard should always be a multiple of 3. Indeed, the healers will get the same increase in healing whether you have 3, 4, or 5 stacks, for example.


I suggest that since the shards r gonna b 1 in melee & 1 in ranged ... some1 in each grp ... who has raid frames that can b set 2 show the torment & tormented debuffs b incharge in calling out who moves in for charges ... by watching out 4 the torment stacks on person near shard when it reachs 9 or so he calls out 4 some1 else who doesn't have the tormented debuff 2 move in instead .. and ofc the person near the shard should move out on his/her own

Re: [FIRELANDS] Baleroc

Post by Lithasola »

Apparently this is the holy paladins fight to shine on, you guys rock here having big massive single target heals to begin with, buffing them with vital spark/flame makes you pull out silly numbers. Specifically for Temp and Cecille altho you may have read it already, its got some tips that are probably very useful :)

http://wow.joystiq.com/2011/07/17/the-l ... k-baleroc/
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Re: [FIRELANDS] Baleroc

Post by Mahmoud »

was reading a post on wow.com about balorec & pallys
http://wow.joystiq.com/2011/07/29/the-l ... #continued

but there's 1 sentence that caught my eye about something that we weren't doing at all on decimation phase ...

"So to mitigate the unmitigatable, you generally have to rely entirely on your healers. It'll be up to them to heal-bomb you back up to the safe zone of more than 90% of your health. Likewise, you and your co-tank should absolutely work out a system where if one gets hit, the other taunts off ASAP to allow for the usual Decimation tank to be healed to full. Then take the boss back. This will severely cut down the possibility of a tank getting murdered by two hits in succession. Teamwork is essential!"

what we were doing or at least what I understood we shud be doing is that ...the decimation designated tank takes the boss during the whole decimation phase ... while what they r saying here is that actually tanks need 2 swap on every hit on the decimation phase :o - :shock: - :? ... I know that a 90% of hp hit is alot .. so it makes sense actually .. but me thinks timing it will b imba hard ...

also interesting thing they say that pallys Ardent defender works on decimation coz it has the same code/mechanic or wot ever of the disco bubble so it still mitigates damage plus ofc the ever so helpfull 15% hp back if I'm about 2 die ....

Re: [FIRELANDS] Baleroc

Post by Lithasola »

hmm I was under the impression that his attack speed was reduced dramatically when wielding decimation blades. This therfor would allow for the uber buffed healers to top up the tank taking the 90% hits (remember the healers should have stacks of this vital flame buff making 1 heal from them considerably more powerful, so as long as they can get the Decimation tank over 250K in between each swing then hes safe yes ? ), if the second tank taunts while they have so many million HP and take a 90% hit the healers will never be able to get them to a lvl of HP where the MT could return to tanking him during inferno blades, especially as his stacking dmg buff increases :s

So the idea is that the decimation tank taunts, gets hit for 250K or 90% whichever is appropriate, we have 2 - 3 healers hit him with their big heals (precasting before the next decimation hits) and get him over 250K again. The MT taunting and taking a hit would be disasterous I would think ......
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Re: [FIRELANDS] Baleroc

Post by Caireann »

Lithasola wrote:So the idea is that the decimation tank taunts, gets hit for 250K or 90% whichever is appropriate, we have 2 - 3 healers hit him with their big heals (precasting before the next decimation hits) and get him over 250K again. The MT taunting and taking a hit would be disasterous I would think ......
It could actually be easier somehow at the start of the encounter - when our stacks aren't that high.. and I guess we have around 2s to bring the Decimation tank up to full hp, right? That's a lot at the beginning, and is getting easier and easier late in the battle.

I'm also inclined to bring 7 healers to this fight after all, and having the one without a rotation to simply build up the stacks on that melee/ranged dps and squeeze the most HPS just for Decimation, so that we'd have 3 buffed tank healers for that. The MT gets his usual beating so that's not a problem - it's just that ~2s interval for healing 250k damage on the OT that is the most problematic for us, plus the ~13s swapping timer. We still need to work this out and see if there is any pattern for best swap before decimation blades.

Re: [FIRELANDS] Baleroc

Post by Lithasola »

Caireann wrote: I'm also inclined to bring 7 healers to this fight after all, and having the one without a rotation to simply build up the stacks on that melee/ranged dps and squeeze the most HPS just for Decimation, so that we'd have 3 buffed tank healers for that.
Does the Vital Flame buff have a duration ? ie does it last for say 40 secs then drop off ? if so then this healer would still have to switch between healing people affeted with the tormented buff and the OT to keep the stacks ticking ? Obviously if it doesnt have a timer then this wont apply since you could just get buffed to a certain amount of stacks and heal the OT throughout decimation. Altho Im pretty sure I read somewhere that the boss occasionally applys the 20% increased dmg debuff to the OT as well just no where near as much as the MT tank.

I'll edit this post with a quote if I can find it again.
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Re: [FIRELANDS] Baleroc

Post by Caireann »

The healing buff starts when we place a heal on any of the tanks - it lasts for 15s, but we tend to switch after ~13s, cause it's applied for another 15s if a late heal lands on the tank after it expires. We can't build up stacks when the buff is active. When it ends, the stacks that we were building up on those dpses appear again (they were kinda ticking in the background, but when we have the buff we don't see them). So, if we have a separate healer just for building up stack on whichever group and then taking part in healing up the Decimation blade tank, after those 15s he/she needs to get back to build at least one stack (for refreshing the buff) before attempting to heal tank again.

I'm not sure how timers on the blades work, so we'll have to see how it works, but it may actually help us a lot, at least at the start when healing is really hectic.
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