ICC Achievement Strategies

Pre-Cataclysm raids.
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ICC Achievement Strategies

Post by Caireann »

Some strategies for the icc meta achievement I've found on the web. Ommited the obvious ones :)

1. Full House

Adds that need to be left alive: Deformed Fanatic, Reanimated Fanatic, Reanimated Adherent, Cult Fanatic, Cult Adherent

* For this achievement, your raid must leave the adds stated above up throughout the second phase of this encounter. In order to do so, you must plan which adds you will be killing and which adds you will be CCing, and when.
* In our case, we have ALL the DPS on the boss until something happens to one of the first set of adds.
* Deformed Fanatic - Kited around by our Hunter. CAN NOT let it hit anyone. Will one shot anything but a tank, which will die in 2 hits.
* Reanimated Fanatic - Shackled by our priests.
* Reanimated Adherent - Left alone. His damage should be easy to heal through.
* After we have these three adds alive and the boss' mana pool is almost empty. We kill all remaining adds except for the marked three stated above. Once all the adds are dead, we bring her as low as possible and wait for the new set of adds. When the new set of 3 adds spawn, we immediately bring her down to keep from having any become Empowered, Deformed or reanimated.
* Once she is down, tanks taunt off of each other when their threat debuff stacks get high and all DPS goes to her. Finish off the 6th add you do not need for the achievement. Blow Bloodlust and burn her down.

* Make sure you have a decurser for the Curse of Torpor.
* Having a priest or Paladin to CC an undead is good.
* And having a Hunter is a very welcomed asset for his kiting abilities on the Deformed mob.

2. Dances with Oozes:
* In order to get this achievement, you must coordinate the spawning and merging of the Small Oozes.
* To keep the large Ooze from reaching 5 stacks and exploding, you need allow the oozes that spawn to stay on the current target that obtained the debuff.
* Once the oozes start spawning, it is a DPS race and you must burn Rotface down as fast as possible before you get overrun by oozes.
* In the case that 2 oozes merge, make sure you have your off tank there to pick up the ooze and begin kiting.
* You need to try and keep 1 ooze on each person, this is easily healable, however, if too many spawn... just wipe it and start over.

* Make sure the OT is taunting the Large Oozes ASAP to avoid raid damage.
* The tank CAN run through the slime in the room. It will help kite the Ooze and your healers should be able to heal him through it.
* Have good healers.


Regular raid setup - Do strat like you normally would but instead of stacking the small ooze into the big ooze, you will move ahead of the kiting tank (i.e quarter of the room ahead) and form a 2nd big ooze. The kitiing tank by this time will catch up to the 2nd big ooze and will merge the 2 big ooze which will only result in giving it one stack of instability instead of 2. By the end you will be nearing 4 stacks and you will be unable to stack any more ooze's into the original big ooze. To solve this we have one melee or ranged with a taunt form a second big ooze which will act as your last resort. If you reach 4 stacks on the second big ooze than its game over, but you should have it down with only the first big ooze reaching 4 stacks initialy.

3. Flu Shot Shortage

Regular raid Setup-- The execution and with a little RNG luck you can get this achievment easily. You will need good raid healing and tank healing since shadow damage will only be cut by 50% instead of 75%
First 2 Spores: Run away from raid (Only they get Inocculated)
Second 2 Spores:Every one gets Innocculated except the first two people
Third 2 Spores: Every one in raid gets a stack of Innculated
Extra notes: If the same raid member gets the Second Spore than they still buff every one in the group except the only change will be that they wont need a stack for the third spore. If the tank gets a spore
Melee run away instead of tank running away.

4. Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion

Regurgitated Ooze is a spell cast by the Abomination on a slime that puts a damage DOT on it and slows its movement speed by 50%. This achievement requires that you do NOT use this spell.

The biggest loss will be the movement speed debuff, without it, the slime will come at full speed towards the person it targets.

Everytime a slime spawns, the abomination should IMMEDIATELY beginning helping to melee DPS the slime as much as possible, ignore the slime pools until the individual slime is dead.

Green Slime - The slime will almost certaintly reach its target without a movement speed debuff, so everyone should DPS it down as much as possible, then stack up on its target when it reaches that person, so the damage is spread out. Once it knocks everyone back, DPS it again before it reaches its 2nd target.

Red Slime - You can kite these, but without the movement speed debuff its hard, we gave every raid member a swiftness potion to help out and it really made a difference.

Phase 3 of the fight does not involve slimes, so nothing is changed there.

One thing to note about the Abomination's damage output, it seems to be somewhat related to spec or what gear you have on (need confirmation of some sorts on this one). Our paladin who was controlling the Abomination was originally prot, and noticied his damage was significantly lower than when he was Retribution wearing DPS gear. So we had him go Ret and did 7 DPS, 2 Healers, 1 Tank for Phase 3. Yes, you can do one tank on Phase 3 assuming you have bloodlust and good enough DPS to burn the boss before the tank reaches 6 stacks of debuff.

Tank pulls, and drags putricide to the center. The second the experiment emote is mentioned, all the melee run to the spot where the green ooze will spawn, and begin DPSing it down immediately; if the melee gets targeted, the healers will have to be on the ball, especially if they get it twice in a row (really bad luck), but having the melee run to the spot beforehand makes getting it down a lot easier.. Also have the abomination DPSing the adds too, helps alot.

The orange cloud is far more deadly, makes sure you have ranged as far away as possible, and when it chooses a target, melee start nuking... make sure you assign a kite path before-hand so healers know where to go, do not be afraid to blow short cooldowns on this boss. It gets a little bit more chaotic in ph2 which is the hardest part, but its virtually the same.. just be quick, keep boss roughly in the center for convienience with the melee, and the range just stay on the side of the boss opposite to whichever add will spawn..

Of course save bloodlust for ph3! We wiped on 15% on one attempt due to bad slime kiting, wiped on 160k after two melee got the vial debuff, and then finally got it down.. As I mentioned certainly not the hardest achievement we've done so far, but its quite fun and makes normal mode seem like a breeze

A holy priest helps immensely for the Body and Soul talent, as do pet-classes which split the explosion damage.

5. Portal Jockey

whole raid has to take all spawning portals - so every time the portals spawn all of them have to be 'closed' by someone.

Very easy achievement if you run 3 healers (recommended regardless if you're doing this achievement or not). With only three portals at a time, you can send two of the healers and a caster dps down. After a few portal phases (and with over 20 stacks of the buff), the two healers will be HPS machines and the caster should be able to gun down most mobs as they spawn.

6. All you can eat!

Regular raid Comp-Arguabley the hardest Achievment in ICC- Diffiicult to piece together in words but the initial problem with this achievment is the first and all tank switching. The way to solve this is the first Iceblock will be dpsed down to 20-30%. When the 2nd Ice block comes the OT who has no current stacks will taunt at the other end of Sindragosa and the MT will run behind the first block and drop there stacks there. Once the MT gives the taunts back with no stacks, the OT will hide behind the 2nd Ice block and drops stack, rinse and repeat. At all current time the rest of the raid will be hiding behind each Ice block to make sure that the stacks are clear. We split our dps and had 3 dps killing the Ice block while the other 2 kept on boss the whole time. When the ice block was low on health we got all dps on boss. Side Note: Things start getting complicated when healers get ice blocked and unchained magic which can be hard to heal through, but in all the thing that ussually got us was when she did blistering cold and raid confusion happend. Eventually you will get a feel for how your raid works and you will be able to make small changes to fit.

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