Icecrown Citadel 11 - Sindragosa

Pre-Cataclysm raids.
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Icecrown Citadel 11 - Sindragosa

Post by Kharybdis »

Wowwiki again:


Sindragosa has a 10 minute enrage timer.

Phase One

Cleave — Inflicts normal damage plus 50 to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 10 targets.

Tail Smash — Inflicts 11,250 to 18,750 damage on enemies in a cone behind the caster, knocking them back.

Frost Aura — Deals 4,500 Frost damage to all nearby enemies every 3 seconds.

Frost Breath — Inflicts 37,000 to 43,000 Frost damage to enemies in a 60 yards cone in front of the caster. In addition, the targets' attack speed is decreased by 50% and movement decreased by 15% for 1 min.

Icy Grip — Extend tendrils of frigid wind to pull all nearby enemies to the caster. After she uses this, she will follow it up with a Blistering Cold— Deals 35,000 Frost damage to enemies within 25 yards.

Unchained Magic — Inflicts an arcane malediction on the target, causing any spells cast to result in a backlash of Arcane power after 8 seconds. Multiple spellcasts by the afflicted target will intensify the backlash.

Instability — Using magic while afflicted with Unchained Magic will build up unstable energy, dealing 2,000 Arcane damage to the caster per spell cast, 5 seconds after spellcasting ends. Stacks 99 times.

Permeating Chill — Physical attacks against Sindragosa have 20% chance to debuff the attacker with Chilled to the Bone, inflicting 1,000 Frost damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds, per application.

Phase Two

Frost Beacon — Marks a target for imprisonment in an Ice Tomb

Ice Tomb — Entombs the targeted foe and all enemies within 10 yards in ice. She targets five (two in 10-man) random players after taking off and casts this on them. They are then trapped in a tomb with 454,000 HP which must be killed. These tombs also block line of sight on Frost Bomb, but anyone inside the tomb has Asphyxiation placed on them after 20 seconds in the tomb.

Asphyxiation — Suffocation due to lack of air. Deals 8% of total health in damage each second.

Frost Bomb — Deals 23,563 to 26,437 Frost damage to all nearby targets. You need to hide behind Ice Tombs to avoid this damage. Sindragosa will target locations in the room while flying and cast it there. After she uses this 4 times she lands.

Phase Three

All Phase One abilities.

Mystic Buffet — Buffets all foes within 200 yards with arcane energy, increasing all magic damage taken by 10% per application for 8 seconds. Stacks 99 times.


As with most Dragon bosses, Sindragosa tail swipes and cleaves so players (other than the main tank) should be located at her sides; this applies especially to the melee who are more at risk. She also has a constantly running aura throughout the ground phases of the fight which deals 4,500 ice damage to the raid every 3 seconds. In addition to this, Sindragosa has a 20% chance to apply Permeating Chill to anyone dealing physical damage to her, a debuff inflicting 1,000 Frost damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds, per application. In the ground phases, the tank will also have to deal with damage from Frost Breath which is a 60 yard frontal AoE causing 37,000 - 43,000 damage (27,000-32,000 on 10-man). This damage is dealt over 4 seconds.

Phase 1

Phase one involves two main abilities. The first ability to watch out for is the pull/blistering cold ability which sees Sindragosa pull the entire raid towards her into close range (Icy Grip) and then blast the raid with 35,000 Frost damage (Blistering Cold). This is cast immediately after Icy Grip and has a 5 second cast time which cannot be interrupted. This gives the entire raid (tanks included) 5 seconds to get 25 yards away from her to avoid instant death. It should be noted that a high health tank can withstand this blast but quick, high heals will be needed following.

* Tip: If a tank would rather not take the damage from the blast, a tank may run out and charge back in (where able) immediately after.

The second set of abilities in phase one is Unchained Magic. This is cast on raid member(s) and any spell cast by the afflicted member results in a delayed backlash (Instability). It should be emphasised that the backlash is not immediate but rather is delayed for 5 seconds. Additionally, the debuff can stack up to 99 times dealing 2,000 damage per stack.

* Tip: Possibly dispellable with immunity talents such as Divine Shield.
* Tip: The delay in damage allows pre-healing, pre-sheilding or the use of planned defences.

Phase 2

At 85% and every 1:50 minutes after, Sindragosa will fly into the air, starting phase two of the fight. She will target 5 players (two in 10-man) with a Frost Beacon who will, shortly after being targetted, be placed into an Ice Tomb and inflicted with 16,000 damage. Any player about to be entombed must be at least 8 yards from other players and one another otherwise the Tomb debuff will chain to someone else and inflict splash damage, with the chance of killing the player.

She will then drop four Frost Bombs onto the ground and anyone who is not out of line of sight of them will take around 24,000 damage, killing most players. The idea of this part is similar to the Sapphiron fight in Naxxramas. One must be behind the Ice Tombs in order to avoid the Frost Bomb.

* Tip: Afflicted players may wish to assemble in close proximity, allowing the raid to essentially use them as a wall from the blasts.

As soon as all of the frost bombs have gone off the players in the Ice Tombs will begin asphyxiating and quickly die meaning you should time DPS on the tombs to kill them as soon as the frost bombs end.

After the fourth Frost Bomb, Sindragosa will land and re-enter phase one and this cycle carries on until the third phase.

Phase 3

At 35% health, Sindragosa enters the third phase of the fight which is also the crux of this fight. She becomes permanently grounded (and thus, a permanent Frost Aura). Ice Tomb will still be cast on random raid members but there are no Frost Bombs. Players must still be broken out. In order to meet the DPS requirements of this fight you should be able to push Sindragosa into phase 3 before a third air phase occurs. Phase three will take some time.

The stressful factor in this fight is the new ability she gains - Mystic Buffet. This debuff is applied to players in line of sight every 6 seconds and stacks with itself. This increases the magical damage taken by a target by 15% (10-man 10%) per stack and this is the critical mechanic of the encounter. You must control this debuff if you hope to win. You should remove it as often as possible by hiding behind the frozen players with 2-3 seconds left on your debuff to ensure it is not refreshed. If you gain a large number of stacks the damage will become unhealable and you will die.

It cannot be stressed enough, phase 3 is not a DPS race, rather it is about control and endurance. Sindragosa's HP will go down slowly as you reset your stacks and free the frozen players. This is perfectly fine and the enrage timer is lenient if you only took two air phases to hit phase three. Whittle down her HP while keeping your stacks low and surviving her abilities and you will score a kill.

Mystic Buffet makes tanking her considerably more difficult as only a few stacks will cause a tank to be instantly killed from her Frost Breath which carries on in phase three. Defensive cooldowns should be used to mitigate this damage and a tank rotation should be established to switch off at as low a number of stacks as possible.

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Re: Icecrown Citadel 11 - Sindragosa

Post by Kharybdis »


Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.

Prepare for the worst and dare the universe to disappoint you

Re: Icecrown Citadel 11 - Sindragosa

Post by Lithasola »

Herek wrote: Mystic Buffet makes tanking her considerably more difficult as only a few stacks will cause a tank to be instantly killed from her Frost Breath which carries on in phase three. Defensive cooldowns should be used to mitigate this damage and a tank rotation should be established to switch off at as low a number of stacks as possible.

This I learned rather quickly ofc it didnt help that quite a few times when I needed to swap out and get rid of the mystical buffet debuff Elania was an Iceblock :roll:

I propose putting saves on tanks and a very quick taunt rotation, say 2 stacks of buffet and u call out....OT must stay near to MT for quick change over and people that are targeted with the Ice tomb stand parallel to the dragons head for quick facilitation of LoS for tanks as well as the rest if the raid. Just a few ideas to make the change overs for the tanks easier.

Re: Icecrown Citadel 11 - Sindragosa

Post by Karast »

Also note that ranged/healers must never be too far from the boss since she will start casting the ability "Blistering Cold" the moment she performs the pull and NOT when all players reach the center of her hitbox => players standing too far away from the boss will get significantly less time to escape her making it very likely that they will die.

Edit: one more thing - taunts on P3 between tanks must be done only AFTER she selected the target for ice blocking and marked them, otherwise she may actually cast it on the active tank => wipe... (this is the result of the way the targeting AI works - it firsts assign the list of valid targets, then it has to pick one of them, so if the taunts are made in between the assigning and the selection there's a chance to hit a wall there...)

Re: Icecrown Citadel 11 - Sindragosa

Post by Jonthethird »

Just before Blistering Cold is launched the boss will do an icy grip which drags all players to her. The players must then have 5 secs to run (in the same direction) and get 25 yds away from her.

Re: Icecrown Citadel 11 - Sindragosa

Post by Karast »

on paper it works that way but as I've read in many forums and experience myself, the further away from the boss you are, the less time you have to escape it so I'm guessing it's a little bugged.

Re: Icecrown Citadel 11 - Sindragosa

Post by Jonthethird »

Surely if the range are 25 yds away from her and it bugs so icy grip does not pull them to her then there is no problem.

As the ability blistering cold deals damage to players within 25 yds of her.

Or am I completely confused. :?

Re: Icecrown Citadel 11 - Sindragosa

Post by Karast »

you got it wrong but no worries :)
what I'm saying is that the icy grip is activated at the same time (or very very close to) blistering cold; meaning that the actual pull effect of icy grip finishes AFTER starting the cast of blistering cold, hence the further away you are from the boss, the more time it takes for the pull effect to end and thus you have less time to run away.

Re: Icecrown Citadel 11 - Sindragosa

Post by Jonthethird »

Ah I see :oops:
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Re: Icecrown Citadel 11 - Sindragosa

Post by Bagheeris »

Seeing that "my" string will be fighting Sindi without me tonight :( here are my 2c:
- Aim for perfect execution till P3 (from 35%). No deaths from pull+aoe, no tombs broken prematurely, people watching their debuff stacks. This is essentially a practice for P3, when the fight *really* begins.
- Try to position the dragon abit more to the centre and move ranged+healers group abit to the platform edge, along the dragon front-end axis towards the head, closer to the tank position. This should allow healers to reach tanks while hiding behind the tombs in P3.
- From 35%, try the place tombs between the dragon and ranged+healers group.
- People who are to be entombed *must* move away from the group. Be quick. It is everyone's individual responsibility.
- Always leave 1 tomb up, get it to 20-25% HP and then switch to dragon. When the next person is entombed, try to place it along the dragons body next to (ideally just 10 yds from) the the previous tomb. Finish the previous tomb, move behind the next tomb, get it to 20%, rinse&repeat.
- Should it happen that a tank gets entombed, free him/her immediately and keep the previous tomb.
- It may result in ranged focusing on tombs most of the time, but as long as tanks manage switches and everyone keep their debuff stack low, there should be enough time to slowly crumble the remaining third of Sindi's HP.

Code: Select all

   T     B  R+H
   |    (B)(R+H)

T - tank
B – tombs, alternating between positions along the dragon
R+H – ranged+healers, hiding behind the current tomb
M - melee
O – Sindi’s head
| - and body
Hope it makes sense, good luck.
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