Icecrown Citadel 12 - Lich King

Pre-Cataclysm raids.

Re: Icecrown Citadel 12 - Lich King

Post by Xed »

Copypasted from our forums, might be handy :)
Xed wrote:Was poking around and noticed they have their own strat video for Arthas, which is better edited and easier to follow than the Tankspot version IMO... Here's both parts:

and part 2...

EDIT: Frostmourne interior guide...

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Re: Icecrown Citadel 12 - Lich King

Post by Marcuscole »

Some tips regarding LK phase 2 that I found on the interwebs and thought was worth sharing (although haven't really seen the phase yet and cannot comment much on it):
Gnomebot @ MMO-Champion forums wrote:DXE has an option to have a chat bubble pop over your head saying "Defile on me!". It's very hard to miss that even if you're tunnel vision dps-ing a bit.

In all honesty, there is ample time to move out of Defile. Best way to handle it is to watch the CD and EXPECT him to cast it on you. That way, if he does, you're already moving, and if he doesn't , you're safe as well. [...]

But as a warlock you should be humping the edge with your portal down there, anyways. If a valkyr grabs you, you'll be able to port back when you're dropped, buying your raid valuable dps time on the other valkyr since there's absolutely no danger of you dying. Also, since your standing by the edge and way the hell away from your raid, it's actually a good thing to get targeted by Defile since it will keep the middle free of clutter for the rest of your raid to move around in.
DXE mentioned in the post:

Probably other boss mods including DBM can trigger the /s on defile as well. Having LK set as a focus target sounds like a nice additional way of seeing who he is targeting while casting Defile.
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Re: Icecrown Citadel 12 - Lich King

Post by Caireann »

I recommend also Derevka's post - to help understand the Infest debuff and how to deal with it as a disco priest to gain as much as possible from Rapture and therefore have less mana problems through the whole fight.

Finally, downraking seems to be again in favour :)

Re: Icecrown Citadel 12 - Lich King

Post by Luxaflex »

Well - i was the only disc last night. Getting shields constantly on upto 18 ppl really burns your mana. I dropped wand, foodbuff, Innerfire and spellpower flask - and still the shields were not fully consumed. I could fully regem intellect, dropping another 200 spellpower and that should do it. I could also just remove my neck and a ring.

However - when Aicha joined in disc spec, I only needed to shield 10 ppl, and could actually help out on some healing on others. Mana problems seemed gone then, or manageable with cooldowns. Seems the extra 5-6 shields every rotation just breaks mana, and I'd probably need a 45-47k pool for this then when solo-discing. I think it's safe to assume we will have 2 discs next time, so Im not regemming yet.

Also, when using downranked spells, this really sucks in Vuhdo, cause it automatically takes the highest rank spell. I should create a mouseover macro probably, but that means a bit of re-learning how to heal. In any way, it's the most boring fight ever for a disc priest, cause it's 2 spells the whole fight....
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Re: Icecrown Citadel 12 - Lich King

Post by Caireann »

Uh... Is that even possible that there is no way of choosing lower rank in Vuhdu? As I remember even Healbot had this option, as does Clique. Regemming for this fight just because of that seems a waste of money - choosing appropriate rank of PW:S depending of how much SP buffs we get from others is probably a better way.

Are you sure you don't want to try the Grid + Clique combination then? :)

Or... ! I have an idea. Clique surely works with Vuhdu frames as well. So you can choose this one mousebind and assign it to a lower rank, and make Clique work on Vuhdu frames only. And you can only enable it for the LK fight.

Edit: And one more thing, one wouldn't want to decrease SP by taking off some pieces, because of transition phases, where it really hurts not to throw the biggest shields. Switching between weak shields for Infest and bigger shields for transition phases to help keep up the raid seems to be the best way to do it.

Re: Icecrown Citadel 12 - Lich King

Post by Luxaflex »

I'd have to look into that for Vuhdo, never needed it of course. I think going with a mouseover macro to work on Vuhdo frames is safer. It means I'd still have the more powerfull shield available through normal means. I do have Clique fully configured always, as a backup if Vuhdo totally crashes or if a new patch gives issues the 1st days. Clique always works.

Also, my idea of regemming was to push my manapool to around 46k so that the mana-income from replenishment would become significantly higher, as it would be the only ongoing source then.

I'll sort the downranking macro for next raid :)

Re: Icecrown Citadel 12 - Lich King

Post by Sarri »

:idea: A brief thought on P1 and adds: Depending ofc on raid comp, it might be an idea to have a paladin to tank LK and some of the small adds together, with a warrior/druid/othere pala taunting big adds/any other small adds away... my reasoning for this is that I often find myself tanking 2 or 3 small adds, and even when I take them over to the add tanks, they dont get overaggro'ed by whatever the add tanks are doing. :?

Now sure, I hear everyone go... "Dont AoE Sarri!!!" :roll: Fair enough, I have been watchful on this the few times I have tried the encounter, but, as anyone who knows a ret playstyle will tell you, a significant portion of our damage, even in single targeting, comes from Divine Storm and Consecration, and not using those spells cuts down significantly on the damage I am able to do to LK himself... On the times I have tried to avoid using those spells in P1, I still end up with an add or 2 on me, so from my perspective, being able to stand in a RF-enabled consecrate would rock... (and help the healers) :mrgreen:

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Re: Icecrown Citadel 12 - Lich King

Post by Fagan »

I understand the pally rotation for single target dps includes aoe spells Sarri, but unfortunately, just like Saurfang (actually more so as you should be able to time them inbetween the adds there) it's one of those fights where you have to single target only. If it means less dmg, then it means less dmg. As we found with Sindy, it's not the dps that counts it's the control.

We need to OT to take the little adds (via TotT or other means) so we can bounce the plague between them to build it up so it's powerful enough to take down the big guys (if done well it can one shot them). Having melee range people putting down AoE (Ret's, Prot pallies, DK's or anyone else) just makes that a lot harder. :)

On the try's on Sunday night it wasn't actually you who was holding aggro on them, I think Bagh must of been using his swipe (or whatever the mutli target feral attack is) as he had aggro on most of them. TotT + FoK is only usable if no one else is hitting them as FoK doesn't produce a huge amount of threat.
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Re: Icecrown Citadel 12 - Lich King

Post by Karast »

In the 10m fight we faced the same issue - with the OT having a hard time garbing all the small adds away from the MT/melee, we actually tried a funky thing (that worked pretty well) - we had Temp putting up RF while healing, the amount of agro he produced was so big that the small adds stuck to him like nails to a magnet. Then myself as the OT simply taunted off him constantly. In the 25m it's probably not going to work due to the high level of DPS around the LK (and the fact that you don't want the healers to get agro due to higher levels of damage).
So what I was thinking is something like this:
Having 1-2 hunters constantly on the big adds (1 per add should be enough?) and giving them the responsibility to make sure that they tranq. the adds whenever they go enrage. This will allow us to use 1 OT for both big adds (the big adds gets deadly only when they are enraged - then, their shockwave attack is simply too powerful for the OT to be able to cope with 2 at the same time).
The 2nd OT can then act as a postmen - go near the LK, grab the small adds and deliver them to the 1st OT who then just have to taunt off him (there is enough time between spawning so there is no rush in the execution) - it will require some coordination but will make things very smooth once we get it sorted.
What do you guys think?

Re: Icecrown Citadel 12 - Lich King

Post by Stumble »

looking at your combatlog from 16.05.10:

It looks like segen was tanking adds and karast was tanking LK on the first 2 tries then copper was tanking lk on third try and segen and karast was tanking adds?

If the setup and use of spells/attacks was the same on 17th as it was on 16th I would be inclined to say that sarri is not the issue of causing aoeproblems
consecration is not strong enough to cause problems for a rogues tot, however holy wrath is the spell that makes tot harder. it should not be used on LK in phase 1 not by MT and not by OT, the 3sec stun is dealbreaker for tot.

we ran into the same problem yesterday when we had a new retripala in raid.

I couldnt find combatlog from 17.05.10
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