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[withdrawn] Leyzaq - Paladin, Retribution

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 10:48 pm
by Leyzaq
Title to state "Toon Name, Class, & Spec"
    1. How long have you played this character? Since november 2014.
    2. What other classes have you played, and to what level? Warrior at TBC and WOTLK times at private servers. Not much to be proud of.
    3. What are the biggest strengths of your Class/Spec? I can heal up myself in critical moments which makes it a bit easier for healers.
    4. What is the biggest challenge you face when playing your Class/Spec? Doing decent AoE.
    5. When selecting gear, how do you prioritize your stats? (If recommended stat weightings - where from, if your own, what do you use and why?) Haste up to 15% since this is how much everyone says is best to get. then Mastery and Multi to increase dmg and then Crit.
    6. How does your spell rotation change based on circumstances? Please provide examples in your response I use basic skills to gain holly power ( crusader strike ( or hammer of righteus if there more then 5 enemies) then judgement then exorcisim and of course hammer of wrath if its possible). When i gain 5 holy power I use final verdict or if have final verdict buff devine storm since buffed is more effective) If i cant gain 5 holy power because my abilities are on CD i use FV or DS with 4 or 3 holy power.
    1. Why do you want to raid? Friends>fun>gear
    2. What is your favorite boss encounter and why? its a bit msochistic but I'd say Imperator. I wiped on normal and heroic about 40 times or more before getting the Curve Achi ( all done with premade groupes so add 30 mins of gettiong people before every try) and i got so used to wipeing it i find myself in kind of Stockholm syndrome situation.
    3. How many raids do you expect to attend per week? since my Uni is taking me much time I'd say 2. but some weeks it can be even 4. So I guess i fit in your standards.
    4. Do you prefer farm raids or progress raids and will this affect you signing to raids? Don't care as long as i'm with poeple i know, not random dudes insultineg everyone after first wipe.
    5. What's the best wipe you've ever caused? Nothing spectacular once i stepped into mine while doing Imperator. i felt pretty stupid since just few minutes before i asked people to not stepping into mines. Well we've all been there... rgiht?

    1. Name Robert
    2. Age 23
    3. Location Katowice, Upper Silesia, Poland
    4. What are your PC specs (CPU, Graphics, & Memory)? intel core2quad q9300, radeon 7770, 4gb
    5. What speed is your internet connection and how reliable is it? 30gb i guess. i get dc sometimes but i dont thin it is caused by my interent connection. more like some random guy at blizzards DC people. I can bet they hireing those people.
  4. EASY
    1. Why did you choose to apply to Easy? Its is really hard to find a decent guild. Im so tired of doing random premade groups. I just want to have few people i know, that a can logh with and have some good time without yelling and all this pressure.
    2. Are you applying to other guilds?no
    3. Do you have any friends in Easy?i'm affraid i have no friends in wow at all.
    4. Have you been in other guilds and if so, why are you no longer in these guilds?2 or 3 month in great guild that sadly died. still dont know why. They introduced me into raiding in WoD. Still remember that sweated palms.
    5. May we contact your prior guild(s) as reference?
    Ask Logord.

  5. LINKS (Replace generic URL with your toon's URLs
    1. What is your Armory link?
    2. What is your WowProgress link?
    3. What is your Ask MrRobot Profile link?
Finally: What is your Battletag? (we would like this to help us in contacting you about your application) lizakk #2906

At the very end I'd like to say that i know i'm not very expirienced. But I'm Patient and quick learner. I'm submiting this post to find few friends i can hang out few hours a week with.
Also sorry for my not perfect english and misspellings.
With respect

Re: Leyzaq Paladin/Retribution

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 11:09 pm
by Caireann
Hello, you've written a very nice application, and woah, killing Imp hc with randoms seems quite a feat. Hats off ;)

Good luck with your app!

Re: Leyzaq Paladin/Retribution

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:30 am
by Tan
Nice app Leyzaq. Keep an eye on this thread and we'll get back to you!

Re: Leyzaq Paladin/Retribution

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:47 am
by Tsumecho
Hi Leyzaq,

Thanks for the application.

One of your rings and your cloak aren't currently enchanted, I'm guessing that it's due to them being recently acquired?

We'll review and get back to you asap.

Re: Leyzaq Paladin/Retribution

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 11:25 am
by Guest
Thanks for pointing that out, fixed it.
Also I misspel my formed guild officer name- it's LOGROD.

Re: Leyzaq Paladin/Retribution

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 9:42 am
by Templaar
Hi Leyzaq,

We'd like to invite you to join one of our raids as a test run prior to a potential trial period if successful. Please contact a guild officer (Fir/Irukandzji/Rublupine/Templaar/Tsudonym) to arrange this.

Easy officers

Re: Leyzaq Paladin/Retribution

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 11:43 am
by Nephesh
Hello Leyzaq,
Thanks for your application.
Good luck on your test run.

Just adding: we have a few players that (used to) play a paladin of any spec. If you have any questions regarding your class/toon which you can't seem to answer on the internet feel free to ask.

Re: Leyzaq Paladin/Retribution

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 9:43 pm
by Guest
I will contact one of your Officers tomorrow.
With respect

Re: Leyzaq Paladin/Retribution

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 10:56 am
by Guest
I'm really sorry to inform you that I have to withdraw my aplication. Reason is my personal life and fact that I won't be able to play much for the next few weeks which makes senseless to aplay to a raiding guild. If this is possible I will conntact You as soon as i get back to WoW again an continue the process of my recrutation.
With respect

Re: Leyzaq Paladin/Retribution

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 11:59 am
by Kirby
I'm sorry to hear that Leyzaq, I wish you luck in getting your personal life in order.