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Aquee - Brewmaster Monk

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:00 pm
by Aquee
Character name: Aquee
Class: Monk
Mainspec: Brewmaster
Offspec: Mistweaver
Battletag: Ajohnny23#2304
Armory link: ... e/advanced

Name: Johnny
Age: 25
Country: Poland
Student, don't like to share personal info on forum but glad to do that on voice/social channels =)

Brewmaster is absolutely unique tank, can do what other simply cannot. At the same time it is the hardest to learn and the least played.
Bacontime(yt videos/armory), Enimas(yt), multiple raid tutorials(yt) + both raid strat, brm insights)
BrM 9/10 nh hc (pug), MW 10/10 nh n(pug + guild), MW EN 7/7 hc (pug/guild), WW/MW 10/10 EN N (guild)
Wed/Sun most likely 100% and rest 80%. Unless emergancy occures.

I'm looking for guild/group of people interested in more demending difficulties of the raids, and willing to be a part of controlled raids along with self-improving and sharing of techniques connected with the class/instance/gold and what not. At the same time I cannot underestimate the importance of social side of the guild.
Not yet =)
I have been for months with Darkmoon Eye Society (phenomenal guild) but I'm looking forward to run harder content then they were aiming for.

Re: Aquee - Brewmaster Monk

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:50 pm
by Liria
Cześć Aquee :)
Thank you for the application!
Unfortunately right now we're quite full on tanks and there are simply no free spots for this role.
We do, however, have a place for monk healers, so if you would be willing to apply as a H, we could offer you a trial.

Let us know if this is something you would be interested in.